The war against life. How the biosphere and all living beings are being transformed by a non human predatory force
Website of Harald Kautz https://www.carnicominstitute.org/index.html Link to the Carnicom institute
Amnésie, reprogrammation du subconscient, falsification de l’histoire, abductions, au delà et réincarnation Paul Ponssot
Lien entre abductions, effect mandela, ciblage electromagnétique, nature de la réalité et présence non humaine Paul Ponssot
Transhumanisme et possession: la connexion occulte Paul Ponssot
Paul Ponssot 19 mars 2022 183
Ghosts, hauntings, the non human presence and the nature of reality Paul Ponssot
Wikipedia page concerning the Philip experiment
Mots-clés: tulpas, timelines, nature of reality, english podcast, ghosts, parapsychology.
Paul Ponssot 19 mars 2022
Website of Harald Kautz https://www.carnicominstitute.org/index.html Link to the Carnicom institute
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